The conference programme includes six plenary lectures from leading international researchers in biomimetic and biohybrid systems, and the demonstrations of state-of-the-art living machine technologies.
There will also be 18 regular talks of 30 min, 1 invited talk on Biomimetics in Design, 10 Poster Spotlights of 5 min, and 2 poster sessions of 1h featuring 40 posters. Robot and media demos are also part of the programme.
The full conference will be preceded by a 1 day Satellite Event hosted at the Politecnico di Milano
9:00 -10:00 Plenary Lecture 1: Ricard Sole. Evolution of complex networks
10:00 Talk 1 - Soft robotics
Dynamic Model of a Jet-Propelled Soft Robot Inspired by the Octopus Mantle.
Federico RENDA, Frederic BOYER, Cecilia Laschi
10:30 Talk 2 - Soft robotics
Enhanced Locomotion of a Spherical Robot Based on the Sea- urchin Characteristics.
Jorge Ocampo-Jimenez, Angelica Munoz-Melendez, Gustavo Rodriguez-Gomez
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 Talk 3 Neuromechanics:
Neuromechanical Mantis Model Replicates Animal Postures via Biological Neural Models.
Nicholas Szczecinski, Joshua Martin, Ritzmann Roy, Roger Quinn
12:00 Talk 4 Neuromechanics:
Evolving optimal swimming in different fluids: a study inspired by batoid fishes.
Vito Cacucciolo, Francesco Corucci, Matteo Cianchetti, Cecilia Laschi
12:30 Poster Spotlights 1
13:00 Poster Session 1
13:30-15:00 Lunch Break
15:00 Talk 5 Social Robotics:
I-CLIPS Brain: A Hybrid Cognitive System for Social Robots.
Daniele Mazzei, Lorenzo Cominelli, Nicole Lazzeri, Danilo De Rossi
15:30 Talk 6 Social Robotics:
Blending in with the shoal: Robotic fish swarms for investigating strategies of group formation in Guppies.
Tim Landgraf, Hai Nguyen, Joseph Schöer, Angelika Szengel, Romain O.Clément, David Bierbach, Jens Krause
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-17:30 Plenary Lecture 2: Minoru Asada Osaka. Cognitive and Affective Developmental Robotics
17:30-18:30 Panel 1
18:30 RECEPTION by Taylor & Francis
20:30 WELCOME DINNER speakers by UPF
9:00-10:00 Plenary Lecture 3: Sarah Bergbreiter. Microrobotics
10:00 Talk 7 Locomotion:
A Natural Movement Database for Management, Documentation, Visualization, Mining and Modeling of Locomotion Experiments.
Leslie M. Theunissen, Michael Hertrich, Cord Wiljes, Eduard Zell, Christian Behler, André F. Krause, Holger H. Bekemeier, Philipp Cimiano, Mario Botsch, Volker Dürr
10:30 Talk 8 Locomotion:
Monolithic Design and Fabrication of a 2-DOF Bio-Inspired Leg Transmission.
Daniel Aukes, Onur Ozcan, Robert Wood.
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 Talk 9 Locomotion:
Capturing Stochastic Insect Movements with a Liquid State Machine.
Alexander Lonsberry, Kathryn Daltorio, Roger Quinn
12:00 Talk 10 Locomotion:
Neuromechanical Simulation of an Inter-leg Controller for Tetrapod Coordination.
Alexander Hunt, Manuela Schmidt, Martin Fischer, Roger Quinn
12:30 Invited talk Franco Lodato. Biomimetics in Design
13:00 DEMOS & Interactive Media Session
13:30-15:00 Lunch Break
15:00 Talk 11 Biohybrid:
Change of network dynamics in a neuro-robotic system.
Irene Nava, Jacopo Tessadori, Michela Chiappalone
15:30 Talk 12 Biohybrid:
A predictive model for closed-loop collision avoidance in a fly-robotic interface.
Jiaqi Huang, Holger G Krapp
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-17:30 Plenary Lecture 4: Darwin Caldwell. Legged Locomotion
17:30 Panel 2
FRIDAY, August 1
9:00-10:00 Plenary Lecture 5: Andrew Schwartz. Neural control of prosthetics
10:00 Talk 13 Brain-based:
Optimization of cerebellar reflexes.
Santiago Brandi, Ivan Herreros, Paul Verschure
10:30 Talk 14 Brain-based:
Hippocampal based model reveals the distinct roles of dentate gyrus and CA3 during robotic spatial navigation.
Diogo Santos Pata, Alex Escuredo, Stéphane Lallée, Paul Verschure
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 Talk 15 Brain-based:
Design of a Control Architecture for Habit Learning in Robots.
Erwan Renaudo, Benoît Girard, Raja Chatila, Mehdi Khamassi
12:00 Talk 16 Active sensing:
A Minimum Attention Control Law for Ball Catching.
Cheongjae Jang, Jee-eun Lee, Sohee Lee, Frank Park
12:30 Poster Spotlights 2
13:00 Poster Session 2
13:30- 15:00 Lunch Break
15:00 Talk 17 Active sensing:
Insect-Inspired Tactile Contour Sampling Using Vibration-Based Robotic Antennae.
Thierry Hoinville, Nalin Harischandra, Andre Krause, Volker Dür
15:30 Talk 18 Active sensing:
Trajectory Control Strategy for an Anthropomorphic Robotic Finger.
Shouhei Shirafuji, Shuhei Ikemoto, Koh Hosoda
16:00-16-30 Coffee Break
16:30-17:30 Plenary Lecture 6: Mandyam Srinivasan. Insect-inspired cognition and vision
6:00 END