A limited number of travel scholarships are available for postgraduate students who are attending LM2014 to present a paper in oral or poster format.
Scholarships will provide free conference registration** (excluding the banquet) and coverage of international travel. Help is not available with accommodation or subsistence costs or with national travel (including travel to national airports). Preference will be given to students from developing countries and those presenting full papers (rather than extended abstract).
DEADLINE: 1st June 2014 extended to 15th of June!!
APPLICATION: please email info [dot] csnetwork [at] upf [dot] edu
PROVIDE the following information:
Title of Paper:
Full paper or extended abstract?:
Estimated cost of international travel in Euros with details of journey to be undertaken:
Supervisor name:
Supervisor contact details:
Letter of support and confirmation that funding is not available from own University/lab sources.
**if scholarship is awarded registration does not have to be payd