The Living Machines conference will be preceded by a series of workshops hosted at the Politecnico of Milano.
Active researchers in biomimetic and biohybrid systems and related fields are invited to attend the workshops scheduled for the 29th of July in Building 25 “Emilio Massa”.
Find more information on how to get there @ workshops_where.pdf
Workshops attendance will attract a small fee intended to cover the costs of the meeting. please register!
Visit to the Center for Nanoscience and Technology IIT : As a closing event of the workshops, the participants are invited to join a visit to the premises of the research center CNST IIT@Polimi which operates at the forefront of science and technology of nanomaterials for optoelectronics, focusing on applications in the fields of photovoltaic conversion, photo-detection, and biomimetic systems.
WORKSHOPS 29th of July 2014, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Embodied Interaction and Internal Models: Key Features of Autonomous Locomotion Systems
Volker Dürr, Biological Cybernetics, Bielefeld University, Germany; Paolo Arena, Electrical Engineering, University of Catania, Italy
Contact: Volker Dürr, volker [dot] duerr [at] uni-bielefeld [dot] de
The Robot Self
Tony Prescott, University of Sheffield, UK; Paul Verschure Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, CSNII
Contact: Tony Prescott, t [dot] j [dot] prescott [at] sheffield [dot] ac [dot] uk
Emergent social behaviours in bio-hybrid systems
JoséHalloy: Universite Paris Diderot. Thomas Schmickl: Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Stuart Wilson, University of Sheffield,
Contact: Stuart Wilson s [dot] p [dot] wilson [at] sheffield [dot] ac [dot] uk
Bionics and Design: pure and applied research.
Pino Trogu, San Francisco State University, USA, Carmelo di Bartolo IED, Franco Lodato, Creative Director VSN Mobil with Instituto Europeo di Design, Milano
Contact: Pino Trogu, trogu [at] sfsu [dot] edu
Please contact us if you are interested in organising a satellite event. info [dot] csnetwork [at] upf [dot] edu
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