Welcome to Living Machines 2014

The 3rd edition of Living Machines  is a Convergent Science Network event and is targeted at the intersection of research on novel life-like technologies based on the scientific investigation of biological systems—biomimetics, and research that seeks to interface biological and artificial systems to create biohybrid systems. We seek to highlight the most exciting international research in both of these fields united by the theme of “Living Machines"

LM2014 Award Winners click HERE

Plenary lecture recordingscsnetwork youtube channel


The Proceedings of Living Machines are published by Springer at 

Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems
Third International Conference, Living Machines 2014, Milan, Italy, July 30 – August 1, 2014. Proceedings

Editors: Armin Duff, Nathan F. Lepora, Anna Mura, Tony J. Prescott, Paul F. M. J. Verschure
ISBN: 978-3-319-09434-2 (Print) 978-3-319-09435-9 (Online)


For all inquiries contact  info [dot] csnetwork [at] upf [dot] edu

LM2014 poster HERE living-machines-poster_lm2014.jpg