The call for full papers and extended abstracts has now closed, however, we are still accepting late-breaking abstracts (LBAs) for poster presentation only.
LBAs will be too late to appear in the LM2015 proceedings, but will instead be published online, with the title and author list in the LM2015 programme(in print and online). LBAs will also be eligible for the LM2015 best poster prize. At least one author of an LBA must register as a LM2015 conference delegate. Authors of LBAs who have student status will be eligible to apply for LM2015 travel bursaries.
LBAs should be a maximum of one A4 page and include a title (max. 140 chars), author list, contact information for the lead author, a 150-250 word description, up to 6 key-words. A figure or photo can also be included.
DEADLINE: Please send your 1-page LM2015 late-breaking abstract to Stuart Wilson s [dot] p [dot] wilson [at] sheffield [dot] ac [dot] uk by July 1st, 2015