The 6th edition of the Barcelona Cognition, Brain and Technology summer school 2013 takes place from September 2nd until 13 in Barcelona, Spain.
BCBT is a two-week annual international summer school that promotes a shared system-level understanding of the architecture of the brain and its possible emulation in artificial systems. BCBT addresses students and researchers involved in research at the interface between the brain and technology such as in the areas of “Bio-ICT convergence”, "Brain inspired ICT", “cognitive systems and robotics” and “Human-machine symbiosis”.
BCBT features in depth lectures by prominent researchers from neuroscience, artificial intelligence and related fields. In addition, tutorials on cutting edge technologies and methods are presented such as the simulation and analysis of large-scale neuromimetic systems and their validation using complex robotic systems. Participants will engage in challe nging projects that are realized with state-of-the-art technologies available during the workshop. Project results will be presented at the end of the school
BCBT is organized by the European FP7 Future and Emerging Technologies coordination action Convergent Science Network of Biomimetic and NeuroTechnology (CSN) with additional support from the European FP7 project Goal-Leaders . CSN is offering a number of student fellowships. BCBT can accommodate about 75 participants and the registration fee is 350€. BCBT is hosted by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the meeting location is close to the center of Barcelona and the beach. Students are required to attend the school for the full duration and participate in collaborative projects.
For more information write to bcbt [at] upf [dot] edu