The Capo Caccia Workshop.

Monday, 2014, March 10

The 2014 CapoCaccia Cognitive Neuromorphic Engineering Workshop, is to be held from April 28 to May 10 2014

This is a unique workshop where the participants contribute to active brainstorming and discussion sessions on topics ranging from cortical anatomy and development to spike-based learning and inference algorithms, to brain inspired VLSI computing architectures.

The 2014 workshop venue is the "Hotel dei Pini", near Alghero, Italy. The workshop venue was chosen for its beautiful and isolated location.

See for details on registration fees
EU/CSN-funded fellowships are available (see the web-page for details).

The **workshop schedule** and scientific program is currently being defined. It will follow the "unconventional" style of previous years (see for an example, and for explanations on how unconventional it is). It will of course have the mix of fundamental and experimental neuroscience, computational modeling, neuromorphic engineering and emerging new technologies that made the discussions so interesting and lively in the past.

The Capo Caccia worskshop organizers are looking forward to seeing you there!

Related schools and workshops can be found at