Poster presentations

Full papers presented as posters

Sensory Augmentation with Distal Touch: The Tactile Helmet Project.
Craig Bertram, Mat Evans, Mahmood Javaid, Tom Stafford, Tony Prescott.
TACTIP -Tactile Fingertip Device, Texture Analysis Through Optical Tracking of Skin Features.
Benjamin Winstone, Gareth Griffiths, Tony Pipe, Chris Melhuish, Jonathon Rossit.
Benefits Of Dolphin Inspired Sonar For Underwater Object Identification.
Yan Paihas, Chris Capus, Keith Brown, David Lane.
Design for a Darwinian Brain: Cognitive Architecture.
Chrisantha Fernando, Vera Vasas, Alex Churchill.
Virtual Modelling of a Real Exoskeleton Constrained to a Human Musculoskeletal Model.
Francesco Ferrati, Roberto Bortoletto, Enrico Pagello.
Speeding-Up the Learning of Saccade Control.
Marco Antonelli, Angel Duran, Eris Chinellato, Angel P del Pobil.
Bacteria-Inspired Magnetic Polymer Composite Microrobots.
Kathrin Peyer, Erdem Siringil, Li Zhang, Marcel Suter, Bradley Nelson.
NeuroCopter: Neuromorphic Computation of 6D Ego-Motion of a Quadcopter.
Tim Landgraf, Benjamin Wild, Tobias Ludwig, Philipp Nowak, Lovisa Helgadottir, Benjamin Daumenlang, Philipp Breinlinger, Martin Nawrot, Raul Rojas.
Learning Epistemic Actions in Model-Free Memory-Free Reinforcement Learning: experiments with a neuro-robotic model.
Dimitri Ognibene, Nicola Catenacci Volpi, Giovanni Pezzulo, Gianluca Baldassarre.
Perception of simple stimuli using sparse data from a tactile whisker array.
Ben Mitchinson, Charlie Sullivan, Martin Pearson, Tony Pipe, Tony Prescott.
Long term and Room Temperature Operable Muscle-Powered Microrobot by Insect Muscle.
Yoshitake Akiyama, Kikuo Iwabuchi, Keisuke Morishima.

Extended abstracts

Bio-Inspired Caterpillar-Like Climbing Robot.
Jian Chen
Biomimetic Spatial and Temporal (4D) Design and Fabrication.
Veronika Kapsali, Anne Toomey, Raymond Oliver, Lynn Tandler
Climbing plants, a new concept for robotic grasping.
Camilla Pandolfi, Tanja Mimmo, Renato Vidoni
Toward Living Tactile Sensors.
Kosuke Minzan, Masahiro Shimizu, Kota Miyasaka, Toshihiko Ogura, Junichi Nakai, Masamichi Ohkura, Koh Hosoda
Using a Biological Material to Improve Locomotion of Hexapod Robots.
Poramate Manoonpong, Dennis Goldschmidt, Florentin Wörgötter, Alexander Kovalev, Lars Heepe, Stanislav Gorb
Motor Control Adaptation to Changes in Robot Body Dynamics for a Compliant Quadruped Robot.
Soha Pouya, Peter Eckert, Alexander Sproewitz, Rico Moeckel, Auke Ijspeert
Soft, stretchable and conductive biointerfaces for bio-hybrid tactile sensing investigation.
Irene Bernardeschi, Francesco Greco, Gianni Ciofani, Virgilio Mattoli, Barbara Mazzolai, Lucia Beccai
Leech heartbeat neural network on FPGA.
Matthieu Ambroise, Timothée Levi, Sylvain Saïghi
Neural Networks Learning the Inverse Kinetics of an Octopus-Inspired Manipulator in Three-Dimensional Space. Michele Giorelli, Federico Renda, Gabriele Ferri, Cecilia Laschi
Learning of Motor Sequences Based on a Computational Model of the Cerebellum.
Santiago Brandi, Ivan Herreros, Marti Sanchez-Fibla, Paul Verschure
Towards a Believable Social Robot.
Nicole Lazzeri, Daniele Mazzei, Abolfazl Zaraki, Danilo De Rossi
A small-sized underactuated biologically inspired aquatic robot.
Maximilian Fremerey, Steven Weyrich, Danja Voges, Hartmut Witte
Sub-millilitre Microbial Fuel Cell power for soft robots.
Hemma Philamore, Jonathan Rossiter, Ioannis Ieropoulos
Preliminary Implementation of Context-Aware Attention System for Humanoid Robots.
Abolfazl Zaraki, Daniele Mazzei, Nicole Lazzeri, Michael Pieroni, Danilo De Rossi
Plant Root Strategies for Robotic Soil Penetration.
Alice Tonazzini, Alì Sadeghi, Liyana Popova, Barbara Mazzolai
Efficient coding in the whisker system: biomimetic pre-processing for robots?
Mat Evans
Bioinspired design and energetic feasibility of an autonomous swimming microrobot.
Stefano Palagi, Francesco Greco, Barbara Mazzolai, Lucia Beccai
A Cognitive Neural Architecture as a Robot Controller.
Zafeirios Fountas, Murray Shanahan
Embodied Behavior of Plant Roots in Obstacle Avoidance.
Liyana Popova, Alice Tonazzini, Andrea Russino, Alì Sadeghi, Barbara Mazzolai
The path to ASSISI: Mixing social animals with robots to a bio-hybrid society.
Thomas Schmickl, Stjepan Bogdan, Luis Correia, Serge Kernbach, Francesco Mondada, Michael Bodi, Alexey Gribovskiy, Sibylle Hahshold, Damjan Miklić, Martina Szopek, Ronald Thenius, José Halloy
Towards bio-hybrid systems made of social animals and robots.
José Halloy, Francesco Mondada, Serge Kernbach, Thomas Schmickl
Octopus-Inspired Innovative Suction Cups.
Maurizio Follador, Francesca Tramacere, Lucie Viry, Matteo Cianchetti, Lucia Beccai, Cecilia Laschi, Barbara Mazzolai
Acquisition of anticipatory postural adjustment through cerebellar learning in a mobile robot.
Giovanni Maffei, Ivan herreros, Giovanni Maffei, Ivan herreros, Marti Sanchez-Fibla, Paul Verschure
A swimming machine driven by the deformation of a sheet-like body inspired by polyclad flatworms.
Toshiya Kazama, Koki Kuroiwa, Takuya Umedachi, Yuichi Komatsu, Ryo Kobayashi
A roadmap for living machines.
Nathan F Lepora, Paul Verschure, Tony Prescott
Virtual Chameleon: Wearable machine to provide independent views to both eyes.
Fumio Mizuno, Tomoaki Hayasaka, Takami Yamaguchi
A minimal model of the phase transition into thermoregulatory huddling.
Jonathan Glancy, Roderich Gross, Stuart Wilson
The synthetic littermate.
Stuart Wilson
Evo-devo design for living machines.
Stuart Wilson, Tony Prescott
Angle and position perception for exploration with active touch.
Uriel Martinez-Hernandez, Tony Dodd, Tony Prescott, Nathan F Lepora
How active vision facilitates familiarity-based homing.
Andrew Philippides, Alex Dewar, Michael Mangan, Antoine Wystrach, Paul Graham
Theresa Schubert-Minski
The AI Singularity and Runaway Human Intelligence.
Tony Prescott
Biomimetic Lessons for Natural Ventilation of Buildings.
David Parr
Artificial muscle actuators for a robotic fish.
Iain Anderson, Milan Kelch, Shumeng Sun, Casey Jowers, Daniel Xu, Mark Murray
The Green Brain Project - Developing a Complete Neuromimetic Robotic Honeybee.
Alex Cope, Chelsea Sabo, Esin Yavuz, Kevin Gurney, James Marshall, Thomas Nowotny, Eleni Vasilaki