CSN II Scholarships

CSN sponsors the attendance of PhD  students and Postdoctoral researchers to different training events in Europe, USA and Japan.In addtion, CSN provides mechanisms for exchange between training programs and research laboratories through support for exchange. 

CSN II aims to provide more than 40 Scholarships to European researchers to attend international key workshops in the field, i.e. - the annual Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop USA - the annual Okinawa Computational Neuroscience Course Japan - the annual BCBT summer school Barcelona, Spain, - the annual Capo Caccia workshop, Sardinia, Italy

In addition to the CSN schools and workshops in 2014 CSN II has granted 4 scholarships to young scientists to attend the Ernst Strüngmann Forum: Where’s the Action? The Pragmatic Turn in Cognitive Science. Frankfurt am Main, Germany

How to apply

The elegibility criteria and the procedures are set by the scientific commitees of each event sponsored by CSN: BCBT summer school Barcelona, Spain,   Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop USA,   Capo Caccia workshop, Sardinia, Italy,

For more information on how to apply please contact us at info [dot] csnetwork [at] upf [dot] edu


The researchers-students who are awarded an international CSNII scholarship will write a report which will then be published in the workshops webpage and in the CSNII webportal. The CSN scholarship report is usually a 3-5 page document that describes the workshop/school/event experience, and explains how the applicant contributed to the workshop and the specific benefits that the applicant obtained with the CSN scholarship.

CSNII scholarsip reports 2015

CSNII scholarsip reports 2014

CSNII scholarsip reports 2013

CSNII scholarsip reports 2010-2012