Woods Hole, Boston, USA, 10-22 August 2015
Organizers: John Lisman, Brandeis University, MA, USA; Paul Verschure, ICREA, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Spain
In collaboration with: Dr. Anna Mura (UPF, SPECS), Dr. Cesar Renno Costa (Univ. Federal Rio, Brazil) and, Giovanni Maffei (UPF SPECS), Diogo Pata (UPF SPECS).
The aim of our workshop is to bring together visionary scientists in the hope of better understanding the function of the brain from a systems level perspective.
This symposium will follow a novel format where we combine topic-oriented discussion starting from specific case studies of computational models. These case studies will be decided collectively and be anchored in the expertise of the participants. The main objective of the case study analysis is to use them to come to a specification of fundamental organizational principles of the brain.
In parallel, we will advance a computational robot based system level model of the brain starting from an available system. In this way we can facilitate the transformation of ideas to realized computation, possibly validated by the behaviour of robots. We will experiment with having a technical staff dedicated to computation at the meeting; perhaps it will be possible to test ideas during the meeting itself. We welcome prior input from the invited experts' labs that could allow us to pre-program ideas that have already been developing. In the period leading up to the symposium we will synchronize with the participants to insure that all preliminary information is available and to provide sufficient time for preparation.
Matt Van der Meer, University Waterloo, Canada
Adrian Haith, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, USA
Bjorn Merker, Sweden
Nicholas Hatsopoulos, University of Chicago, USA
Adam Johnson, Bethel Univ. MN, USA
Tomoki Fukai, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan
David Redish, University of Minnesota, USA
Tony Prescott, University of Sheffield, UK
PROGRAMME woods_hole_meeting_programme.pdf
The meeting will take place in a lovely house in Woods Hole @ 3 Spencer Baird Road, Woods Hole, MA. We promise lots of fresh fish, desserts from “Pie in the Sky”, good wine and good conversation.
Woods Hole: 3 Spencer Baird Road, Woods Hole, MA.
Contact: Dr. Anna Mura, info [dot] csnetwork [at] upf [dot] edu