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A. Bicanski, Ryczko, D., Cabelguen, J. M., and Ijspeert, A. J., From lamprey to salamander: an exploratory modeling study on the architecture of the spinal locomotor networks in the salamander, Biological Cybernetics, vol. 107, no. 5, 2013.
Fernandez-Leon JA, Acosta GG,, and Mayosky MA, From network-to-antibody robustness in a bio-inspired immune system., Biosystems. , vol. [Epub ahead of print], 2011.
Sanz R, Hernández C,, Gómez J,, and Hernando A, A functional approach to emotion in autonomous systems., Adv Exp Med Biol. , vol. 657, 2010.
N. Ouannes, Djedi, N. E., Duthen, Y., and Luga, H., Gait Evolution for Humanoid Robot in a Physically Simulated Environment , Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 374, 2012.
G. Deco and Kringelbach, M. L., Great expectations: using whole-brain computational connectomics for understanding neuropsychiatric disorders., Neuron, vol. 84, no. 5, 2014.
R. Leonardo, Arianna, M., and Keisuke, M., Guest editorial introduction to the Special Issue on bio-hybrid systems and living machines, Biomedical Microdevices, vol. 14 , no. 6, 2012.
N. Yu, Li, T., and Fang, L. &, The Hippocampal Spatial Cognitive Mechanism and Its Application in the Biomimetic Robot Navigation., Biotechnology Frontier, vol. 4, no. 1, 2015.
S. Wischmann, Dario Floreano,, and Keller, L., Historical contingency affects signaling strategies and competitive abilities in evolving populations of simulated robots , PNAS, pp. 864-868, 2012.
F. L. Moro, Spröwitz, A., Tuleu, A., Vespignani, M., and Tsagarakis, N. G., Horse-like walking, trotting, and galloping derived from kinematic Motion Primitives (kMPs) and their application to walk/trot transitions in a compliant quadruped robot, 107, vol. 3, 2013.
S. Lallée and Verschure, P. F., How? Why? What? Where? When? Who? Grounding Ontology in the Actions of a Situated Social Agent., Robotics, vol. 4, no. 2, 2015.
P. Abreu, Moreira, J., Costa, I., Castelão, D., Reis, L., and Garganta, J., Human versus virtual robotics soccer: A technical analysis, European Journal of Sport Science , vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 26-35, 2012.
M. Alimardani, Nishio, S., and Ishiguro, H., Humanlike robot hands controlled by brain activity arouse illusion of ownership in operators, Scientific Report, vol. 3, no. doi: 10.1038/srep02396., 2013.
M. Bashiri, Vatankhah, H., and Ghidary, S. S., Hybrid adaptive differential evolution for mobile robot localization , Intelligent Service Robotics, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 99-107, 2012.
A. E. Rawlings, Bramble, J. P., and Staniland, S. S., Innovation through imitation: biomimetic, bioinspired and biokleptic research, Soft Matter, vol. 9, no. 7, 2013.
F. Li, Liu, W., Fu, X., Bonsignori, G., Scarfogliero, U., Stefanini, C., and Paolo Dario, Jumping like an insect: Design and dynamic optimization of a jumping mini robot based on bio-mimetic inspiration, Mechatronics, vol. 22, no. 2, 2012.
T. J. Prescott, Peter Redgrave,, and Kevin Gurney, Layered Control Architectures in Robots and Vertebrates, Adaptive Behavior , vol. 7 , no. 1, 1999.
GM., Edelman, Learning in and from brain-based devices., Science, vol. 318, no. 5853, pp. 1103-5, 2007.
M. A. Sanchez-Montanes, König, P., and Verschure, P. M. J. F., Learning sensory maps with real-world stimuli in real time using a biophysically realistic learning rule, Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 13, no. 3 , 2002.
M. H. Evans, Fox, C. W., and Prescott, T. J., Machines Learning-Towards a New Synthetic Autobiographical Memory., In Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems , vol. 8608, 2014.
P. Ball, Material witness: Soft-hearted robots, Nature Materials, vol. 13, p. 327, 2014.
S. N. Patek, Materials science. Biomimetics and evolution., Science, vol. 345, no. 6203, pp. 1448-9., 2014.
S. Budday, Raybaud, C., and Kuhl, E., A mechanical model predicts morphological abnormalities in the developing human brain, Scientific Reports, vol. 4, no. 5644, 2014.
Q. Guo, Wang, S. G., Li, X. B., and Cao, Z. L., The Mechanical Structure Design of Behavior Training System, Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 151, 2012.
César Rennó-Costa, John E. Lisman,, and Verschure, P. M. J. F., The Mechanism of Rate Remapping in the Dentate Gyrus, Neuron, vol. Volume 68, no. Issue 6, 2010. The Mechanism of Rate Remapping in the Dentate Gyrus.pdf (445.55 KB)
Paolo Dario, Maria Chiara Carrozza,, Antonella Benvenuto,, and Arianna Menciassi, Micro-systems in biomedical applications , Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering Volume 10 Number 2 , vol. 10, no. 2 , 2000.
